The Pharmacy Council is mandated by the Health Professions Regulatory Bodies Act 2013, ACT 857 to ensure that the education and training of pharmacists and any other pharmaceutical support staff are carried out at approved educational institutions for efficient pharmacy practice among others.

The Pharmacy Council therefore wishes to inform the general public that, the minimum registrable qualification as a pharmacist in Ghana shall NO LONGER include the BACHELOR OF PHARMACY (BPharm) degree effective JANUARY 2022.   The qualification(s) recognized by the Board that entitles a person to be registered as a pharmacist in Ghana includes the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) and the Master of Pharmacy (MPharm) degree.

The registration of foreign-trained pharmacy graduates shall be in accordance with Section 84 of the Health Professions Regulatory Bodies Act 2013, ACT 857 which states inter alia that a foreign-trained person may be registered as a practitioner if he/she has proof of qualification and registration to practice in that person’s country of origin or where that person was trained.